Sunday, November 20, 2011

Exploring Design Patterns in Java API

Every one reads about Design patterns,try some sample codes given on websites,blogs,ebooks etc.
But all have a only one question in common : Find the flavours of that one question below:
  1. Can you give some real time example where design patterns are used?
  2. Can you tell where do we use these design pattern?
  3. What the use of design patterns in Programming?

You can find an overview of a lot design patterns in Wikipedia. It also mentions which patterns are mentioned by GoF (Gang of Four).

While I was reading for some good articles for Design patterns, I found one which was worth reading, it summarises as much as possible design pattern implementations found in both the Java SE and Java EE API's.

I myself is not aware of all the below design patterns but can relate the ones I know.
Have a look below.

5) Singleton 

6) Adapter 

10) Facade 

12) Proxy

14) Command

17) Mediator 

18) Memento

20) State

23) Visitor

Reference of the Article:

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