Sunday, November 24, 2013

Importing Filezilla Site Manager Connections

1)      Many times there is a need to change your machine or moved to a different machine or upgrade the version of FileZilla. The first thing which you would definitely want to avoid is re-entering all server connection details. Let us see how can we prevent this hassle and easily import all the settings from our current FileZilla. Below is am image of my SITE Manager having connection to 20 different servers.

2) To start exporting our current setting First open Filezilla and go to File àExport, and select the “Export Site Manager Entries”. This will create an xml file that we will be able to upload into our new version.

3)   Transfer this xml file over to your new computer and open Filezilla. Go to FileàImport, and then select the xml file having all your previous settings. It will quickly upload and then you will have all of your previous settings ready to go.

  • If we have a list of server to which our team need to connect to, we can share this file will everyone and save a lot of time.